How You Can Enhance Your Skills in Zend Framework

An open source PHP Framework, Zend is designed to help developers build websites faster. It supports web 2.0 as well as cloud computing technologies and is known for its extreme simplicity, flexible architecture, and high productivity. This framework is designed for large scale development and is renowned for being low maintenance. Zend also offers support for Ajax and different database systems including MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, SQLite, Oracle, etc. If you plan to build a large website with sufficient complexity, then it’s time to enhance your skills in Zend framework.

Though it’s possible to study Zend on your own especially if you already have a background in PHP,
enrolling in a Zend course is often the most practical route. Lessons will likely to start with the basic modules you need to learn, namely:

·         Folder Structure
·         Index.php as Single Access File
·         Anatomy of Zend Framework Application
·         Apache .htaccess
·         View
·         Controller
·         Framework Action

You will then need to learn all about dynamic content, URL Structure and controller/action, GET parameters, header and footer, and then framework database. You will learn how to create input form, input data, insert expressions to a table, create data lists, create editing forms, updating data, deleting data and query style, and summarize action controller. After this, you will need to learn how to set and read values, use array configuration, and prepare databases and sessions.

Many companies choose to hire web development companies specializing in Zend to turn their vision into reality. The best Zend developers can deliver robust, efficient, and great-looking websites cost effectively. From web development to module development down to integration and customization services, a good Zend developer can offer comprehensive services. Some of the best Zend developers in India can even offer expert optimization, and development for single hosting.


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